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Zebra Aglow

16 x 14 Original Watercolor

I love to paint white objects. The color combinations in the shadows are luminous and the sparkling white paper excite me every time. This animal's glorious stripes are like our fingerprints. They are unique, as is she.

Warm Arrangement

14 x 16 Original Watercolor

Warm summer flowers combined with the milky mason jar vase give this painting a homey feeling.  I enjoyed playing with the  shapes of the delicate flowers  flowing leaves. The crispness of the glass adds just the right balance.

Craving Chocolate

13 x 9 Original Watercolor

Who doesn't understand the need for a little bit of chocolate? This cake was fun to paint, with its rich dark chocolatey colors and gooey white frosting. Add in the fruit and it's hard to resist.

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